Restaurant Basics: Why Guests Don't Come Back and What You Can Do About It 1992 г Суперобложка, 246 стр ISBN 0-471-55174-0 Язык: Английский Формат: 160x240 инфо 2223m.
Restaurant Basics: Why Guests Don't Come Back and What You Can Do About It 1992 г Суперобложка, 246 стр ISBN 0-471-55174-0 Язык: Английский Формат: 160x240 инфо 2223m.

Details, details, details "monumentally magnificent trivialities" as famed hotelier James Nassikas calls them, on which the success of your business hinges Is there a spot on the table cloth? Is ахфоэit too dark to read the menu? Is there confusion over which guest ordered which dish? Is the butter so hard it tears the bread? Are hot dishes lukewarm by the time they reach the table? Minor inconveniences such as these can ruin a guests evening - and your business беыжкq"Restaurant Basics" is the ultimate handbook for the restaurateur who believes in attending to the seemingly trivial details that can loom large in the minds of dissatisfied diners It asks you to take a look at your restaurant from your guests point of view, from the most obvious, outward appearances through every step of the dining experience And while Bill Marvin writes with a very light and witty touch, he can be at least as picky as your most demanding patron Unlike piбпбжчcky guests, though, "Restaurant Basics" offers commonsense solutions that will help you avoid disaster and keep your customers coming back again and again As the author reminds us, satisfied customers tip better and are friendlier, and the word-of-mouth advertising they provide, free of charge, can help guarantee the success of your business "Restaurant Basics" is important reading for owners, managers, trainers, and staff members The material is sensibly organized so that every member of your team can easily identify which are the items most relevant to what they do Автор Bill Marvin.


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