Management Education in the Network Economy: Its Context, Content, and Organization Издательство: Springer, 2001 г Твердый переплет, 200 стр ISBN 0792375955 инфо 2409m.
Management Education in the Network Economy: Its Context, Content, and Organization Издательство: Springer, 2001 г Твердый переплет, 200 стр ISBN 0792375955 инфо 2409m.

In the network economy, concepts of management knowledge, management learning, and business school organization should change Otherwise, they will not survive the 21st century Different (f)actors are puttingахфцц new demand upon providers of management education and traditional providers of management education are faced with new competitors Moreover, the dynamics of the playing field have changed, as have approaches to (management) learning Management Education in the Netwoбеылтrk Economy proposes the idea ofnetworked business school to cope with these challenges The book deals with the following subjects: 1) Current economic and organizational realities can best be viewed from the perspective of network organization; management knowledge and education should reflect these transformations to survive 2) The idea and organization of (management) learning are revolutionizing, as well as the market for (management) education, which brings about huge changes foбпбияr business schools 3) Business school, particularly, should capitalize on these transformations and should strategically (re)organize and (re)position themselves to compete in the playing field for management education 4) A networked learning environment is an integrative and effective learning environment for organizing management education in the 21st century network economy 5) The networked business school is the organizational form to survive in the 21st century network economy, reflecting the environmental changes and demands, and to realize a competitive edge in the field of management education Авторы Peter J van Baalen Lars T Moratis.


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